Please see below for frequently asked questions at this time of year:
What do I do if my final grades are not all posted yet?
Some grades will be uploaded beginning December 20th. Grades will not be updated during the University holiday shutdown from December 24th until January 3rd. If all of your final grades are not posted by the end of the day, January 7th, 2022, please contact our office. If you are on financial sanction you will not be able to view your grades until you have cleared the sanction.
I don’t think my final grade is correct. What can I do?
If you think there has been an error in the calculation of your grade, the first step is to contact the course instructor. If after connecting with the instructor there is still disagreement over the final grade, contact the Chair of the Department [1] offering the course. See the Undergraduate Calendar [2] or Diploma Calendar [3] for grade reassessment grounds and procedures. Keep in mind that if assignments or exams are re-graded, the grade could possibly go down instead of up. Here is the policy for access to final exams [4] (at the bottom of the page).
A course I want to get into is full. How can I add this course?
Keep monitoring WebAdvisor to see if any spots open – the course add period ends on January 14th, 2022. You may be in touch with the Instructor or Department [5] offering the course to ask whether they can override the course capacity. Please refer to the W22 Course Selection FAQs [6] for details.
How will I know if my request to defer was granted?
For deferred conditions and exams, you will initially see a notation of “INC” (Incomplete) for the course on WebAdvisor. To submit a request, see here [7].
Deferred Exams or Conditions: If approved, “INC” will change to “DEF” during the second week of January 2022 if the request for a deferred exam is approved. Please refer to the Deferred Exam Form that you submitted as part of your request for more details.
Will I be Required to Withdraw if I was on Probation this semester and did not get the required semester/cumulative average?
If you entered the Fall 2021 semester on Probationary status, the Undergraduate Degree Regulations and Procedures require that you achieve a specified semester/cumulative average in order that you are not Required to Withdraw after the semester. See the Undergraduate [8]Calendar OR Diploma Calendar [9] for more information on grade requirements. Note that the requirements are different for students with course attempts between 0.25 and 2.50. Note that between the fall and winter semesters, the Required to Withdraw regulations are not enforced as long as you remain registered in course(s) in the Winter semester. See section ‘A’ for details [10] OR the Diploma Withdrawal Policy [11] for details.
Happy Holidays!