UPDATE: the restriction will be lifted for BBRM later today! You can add any section of ACCT 1220 and HROB 2090. (old post): For first year BBRM.EM, there is a restriction on ACCT 1220 and HROB 2090 preventing you from selecting the in-class sections. It should lift after November 20th and you can currently add the Distance Education sections.
UPDATE: the restriction will be lifted for BBRM later today! You can add any section of ACCT 1220. (old post): For first year BBRM.EQM, there is a restriction on ACCT 1220 preventing you from selecting the in-class section. It should lift after November 20th and you can currently add the Distance Education section.
UPDATE: All GEOG required and restricted elective courses will now include BBRM as a program that can add them. (old post): For upper year EMs, I am currently investigating why all the GEOG courses do not include EM as a restriction. In the meantime, you can email the instructor to see if they can waive the restriction on an individual basis. UPDATE: I found out why the department is not responding to me (an email issue). I hope to hear back today (Nov 8).