Click on the button that corresponds with when you started in the program for information on Co-op Credits:
2021-2022 and earlier [1]2022-2023 and later [2]
The B.Sc. (Env.) Co-op Experience
In Semester 2 (Winter semester of your first year in the B.Sc.(Env.) program), you are required to take COOP*1100. This is a pass/fail credit course that Co-op students must complete before they begin their first Co-op Work Term. This course is designed to prepare you for success in all aspects of the Co-op program including your job search skills, work performance and networking abilities.
In order to participate beyond first year in the Co-op program, you must meet the criteria for advancement as outlined in the Co-op Program Policy Agreement. Specifically, you must be enrolled full-time, pass COOP*1100, and complete at least one work term in winter, summer and fall.
For each Co-op Work Term in your schedule of studies you need to receive a passing Work Performance Evaluation and a grade of satisfactory or higher on your co-op work report. Only with all requirements successfully completed will your transcript reflect completion of the Co-op Program.
Information about policies, fees and work term requirements can be found on the Co-op Governance website [3].
Co-op Office Expectations
In the semester prior to a scheduled Work Term, you will be in a “Job Search” semester [4]. You are required to engage in an active job search process. Details of which are outlined on the Experience Guelph website. You will work closely with your Co-op Coordinator during this process.
During your Work Term, your focus is on your work responsibilities. If you have questions about your work experience or situation, contact your Co-op Coordinator as soon as possible. In addition to your work place responsibilities, you have a number of other tasks to complete during your Co-op Work Semester. Please note, the Work Performance Evaluation tied to your Experience Guelph Account will be emailed to your supervisor the last month of your term. If your supervisor requests a soft copy or is unable to open the link below - please contact your Co-op Coordinator for assistance.
The following links provide details about components that must be submitted to the co-op office/co-op coordinators for each co-op work term:
- Learning Goals (Submit to Co-op Office) [5]
- Co-op Work Performance Evaluation (Co-op office will email this link to your Employer to submit to Co-op Office) - PDF [6]
Requesting Re-admission Into Co-op
If you have been required to withdraw from the Co-op program and you have medical, psychological or compassionate grounds to submit a request for re-admission into the Co-operative Education program, please see the Co-operative and Career Services website [7] for information on deadlines and process.
Co-op Work Report Expectations
The following links provide detailed requirements for your 4-month Work Term Proposal and Final Report:
- 4 month Co-op Proposal and Final Work Report Guidelines (Submit on Courselink) - PDF [8]
- 4 month Co-op Evaluation Forms (FYI - Specific Grading Criteria) - PDF [9]
- COOP4000 Cover Letter Note and Evaluation Form - PDF [10]
- Co-op Work Report Employer Comments Form (Completed by Employer - Submit with Final Work Report) - PDF [11]
NOTE: B.Sc.(Env.) students completing COOP*4000 can choose to submit a letter of submittal and a professional cover letter in lieu of a formal report. Both the proposal and the Employer Comment Form will not be necessary if you choose this option for your 4th work term.
Remember you will still need a minimum of 20.0 academic credits in order to be eligible to graduate!
If you are completing an 8-month Work Term, please contact your Co-op Advisor for specific due dates. You will have the option of completing two 4-month Work Reports, or one 8-month Work Report.
The following links provide detailed requirements if you are on an 8-month Work Term and are choosing to submit an 8-month Work Report:
- 8 month Co-op Proposal, Interim-Report and Final Report Guidelines (Submit on Courselink) - PDF [12]
- 8 month Co-op Evaluation Forms (FYI - Specific Grading Criteria) - PDF [13]
- Co-op Work Report Employer Comments Form (Completed by Employer - Submit with Final Work Report) - PDF [11]
For More Information
Please contact your Co-op Coordinator or Co-op Advisor (information below) or refer to the Co-operative and Career Services website [7].
B.Sc.(Env.) Co-op Coordinators
Andrew J. Kramer
Co-op Co-ordinator, Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences
519-824-4120 x52515 | (mobile) 519-212-0517
Co-operative Education & Career Services [14]
Lindsay Peddle
Co-op Coordinator, Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences
519-824-4120 x54277 | (mobile) 226-218-2821
Co-operative Education & Career Services [14]
Khadijah Peters
Co-op Coordinator, Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences
Co-operative Education & Career Services [14]
B.Sc.(Env.) Co-op Advisor (submissions, requests for extensions and general questions)
Carie Devitt
Johnston Hall, Room 133A
519-824-4120 x 58475 [15]
Questions about your co-op topic, proposal or report should be directed to your major's Faculty Advisor. Click here for the list of current Faculty Advisors. [16]
Check out this pdf for examples of past co-op jobs by B.Sc.(Env.) major. [17] These are examples only and not guaranteed to be jobs posted when you apply.