B.Sc.(Env.) Co-op 2022-2023 and later
Co-op Credits
Credit for each co-op work term completed is included in the calculation of your ‘earned’ credits, but does not count toward the 20.00 academic credit minimum required to graduate from the B.Sc.(Env.) degree program.
B.Sc.(Env.): Co-op students following the 2022-2023 Undergraduate Calendar (and later) are required to complete 2.0 credits co-op credits (4 work terms) in addition to the minimum 20.0 academic credits required to graduate with this degree.
Students that complete one or more work terms and subsequently withdraw from the co-op program may be able to use up to 1.0 co-op credits toward the academic credit requirement to graduate. Book an appointment to speak with your Program Counsellor if this scenario applies to you.