
Your Timeline is accessed through WebAdvisor on the Student Planning system and displays completed courses, in-progress courses and courses planned in the future for each term you add to the view.

You can easily rearrange your planned courses by term using the drag and drop feature. You can move any course you have not completed or have not registered for.

When planning and using the Timeline view, make sure to double check pre-requisites and semester offerings in course descriptions under the current calendar. As you move forward in your timeline, these course details could change.

Please note: most courses are not offered every term. If you drag a course into a term that it is not usually offered in, a message will appear below the course title. If a course is missing a prerequisite, a warning message will also appear below the course title. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that prerequisites are planned accordingly to avoid scheduling complications in future terms.

To add more terms to your plan, simply press the “Add a term” button and select the desired term.

If you wish to discard a course or an entire term, hit the X located next to each one.

To discard all planned courses, hit the “Remove Planned Courses” button.

For questions or issues related to the Student Planning functionalities, view the Creating a Plan Guide. You can also review the Student Planning Resources or contact CCS.