DVM Requirements in Equine Management
How do the DVM requirements fit with the BBRM Equine Management major?
The following outlines how the required courses for Equine Management align with current admission requirements for the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) program, as well as those requirements that are not within the core courses for Equine Management. Please note that this list is just a recommended way to complete the DVM prerequisites in preparation for a DVM application as early as your third year of studies. You are encouraged to review the OVC website and familiarize yourself with the various courses that can be presented as prerequisites in order to plan course selection accordingly. Please also note that these recommendations do not assume there are no conflicts in scheduling or class availability.
It is your responsibility to review and understand all DVM admission requirements. These requirements are available on the Ontario Veterinary College website.
As requirements for Equine Management have changed, please make sure you are following your calendar year.
For students in the 2024-2025 Schedule of Studies:
For students in other calendar years, please see below.
Semester 1:
BIOL*1050 (0.50 Biological Sciences)
BIOL*1090 (0.50 Biological Sciences)
ECON*1050 (0.50 Social Sciences)
Semester 2:
ACCT*1220 (0.50 Social Science)
ANSC*2210 (0.50 Humanities)
ANSC*2340 (0.50 Biology)
CHEM*1040 must be taken this semester as a lead up to BIOC*2580 (CHEM*1040 is required for BBRM.EQM)
It is recommended that your restricted electives or electives be a Humanities or Social Science for DVM if you do not want to use ECON or ACCT courses.
Semester 3:
ACCT*2230 (0.50 Social Science)
It is recommended that one of your restricted electives be CHEM*1050 as it is the prerequisite for BIOC*2580
Semester 4:
EQN*2050 (0.50 Biology)
It is recommended that one of your restricted electives be BIOC*2580 (0.50 Biochemistry; prerequisite for MCB*2050)
It is recommended that the other restricted elective be MBG*2040 (0.50 Genetics; prerequisite for MCB*2050)
Semester 5:
ANSC*3080 (0.50 Biological Sciences)
EQN*3250 (0.50 Biological Sciences)
STAT*2060 (0.50 Statistics)
For your elective, it is recommended you take MCB*2050 (0.50 Cell Biology). Please note as an elective, there is no guarentee you can add this course as it is sometimes restricted to students who require it for their degree requirements. You can look for alternate courses on the DVM course information page.
Additional Information:
If all prerequisites are completed, you are eligible to apply to the DVM program in your third year of studies. If you choose to continue in your degree program past this point and intend to apply to DVM in a later year, you should be careful to select courses according to the BBRM degree requirements and the DVM admission requirements.
Courses that should be included that are not core requirements (noting there are alternatives to some of these courses):
- CHEM*1050 (to take BIOC 2580); counts as a restricted elective for BBRM
- BIOC*2580 (0.50 Biochemistry prerequisite for DVM); counts as a restricted elective for BBRM
- MBG*2040 (0.50 Genetics prerequisite for DVM); counts as a restriected elective for BBRM
- An acceptable 0.50 credit Cell Biology prerequisite (e.g. MCB*2050 and ZOO*3050); counts as an elective for BBRM
- 1.00 acceptable Humanities or Social Sciences. Note you take a few in your requirements (both core and restricted electives), so plan which ones you want to use for DVM and take extra as needed
- Any core course for BBRM that is on the Biological Sciences list for DVM (1.00 are required with an emphasis on animal biology)
As noted on the OVC website, courses will not be acceptable if they are repeats of previously passed courses, or if they are taken at the same level or a lower level in a subject area than previously passed courses in the same subject area. This includes courses with significant overlap in content. Do not take ANSC 3080 before BIOC 2580! If you are selecting alternative Humanities and Social Sciences courses to meet the DVM admissions requirements, please ensure that you are showing a progression in your work. For example, if you take a 2000 level Geography course in your fourth semester, do not take a 1000 level Geography in your fifth semester). This progression rule is applicable to all courses, so watch your plan if you move courses around.
EQN*2500 Equine Field Course must be taken in a semester with 3.00 credits. This course does not count towards the minimum 2.50 credits because some work is done over the summer.
AGR 1350 must be taken before AGR 2350 (otherwise it will void the semester you take AGR 1350 in due to prerequisites).
If you have additional questions about DVM admission requirements, please connect with Admission Services (admdvm@uoguelph.ca).
For students in the 2023-2024 Schedule of Studies:
Note: The rule for Fall 2025 entry is that all prerequisites must be presented from acceptable, full-time (2.50 credit) semesters. Courses listed as prerequisites below are acceptable content only and must be completed in acceptable, full-time semesters in order to be presented on a future DVM application. For Fall 2026 entry, the rules have changed and prerequisite courses can be taken in any semester. Full time semesters are 2.00 credits.
For students in other calendar years, please see below.
Semester 1:
BIOL*1050 (0.50 Biological Sciences)
BIOL*1090 (0.50 Biological Sciences)
ECON*1050 (0.50 Social Sciences)
Semester 2:
ACCT*1220 (0.50 Social Science)
ANSC*2210 (0.50 Humanities)
EQN*2040 (0.50 Biology)
CHEM*1040 must be taken this semester as a lead up to BIOC*2580 (CHEM*1040 is required for BBRM.EQM)
It is recommended that your restricted electives or electives be a Humanities or Social Science for DVM if you do not want to use ECON or ACCT courses.
Semester 3:
ACCT*2230 (0.50 Social Science)
It is recommended that you move ENVS*2060 to semester 7 so you can take CHEM*1050 as it is the prerequisite for BIOC*2580 (CHEM*1050 is a restricted elective)
Semester 4:
EQN*2050 (0.50 Biology)
It is recommended that one of your restricted electives be BIOC*2580 (0.50 Biochemistry; prerequisite for MCB*2050)
It is recommended that the other restricted elective be MBG*2040 (0.50 Genetics; prerequisite for MCB*2050)
Semester 5:
ANSC*3080 (0.50 Biological Sciences)
EQN*3250 (0.50 Biological Sciences)
STAT*2060 (0.50 Statistics)
For your elective, it is recommended you take MCB*2050 (0.50 Cell Biology)
Additional Information:
If all prerequisites are completed, you are eligible to apply to the DVM program in your third year of studies. If you choose to continue in your degree program past this point and intend to apply to DVM in a later year, you should be careful to select courses according to the BBRM degree requirements and the DVM admission requirements.
Courses that should be included that are not core requirements (noting there are alternatives to some of these courses):
- CHEM*1050 (to take BIOC 2580); counts as a restricted elective for BBRM
- BIOC*2580 (0.50 Biochemistry prerequisite for DVM); counts as a restricted elective for BBRM
- MBG*2040 (0.50 Genetics prerequisite for DVM); counts as a restriected elective for BBRM
- An acceptable 0.5 credit Cell Biology prerequisite (e.g. MCB*2050 and ZOO*3050); counts as an elective for BBRM
- 1.00 acceptable Humanities or Social Sciences. Note you take a few in your requirements (both core and restricted electives), so plan which ones you want to use for DVM and take extra as needed
- Any core course for BBRM that is on the Biological Sciences list for DVM (1.00 are required with an emphasis on animal biology)
As noted on the OVC website, courses will not be acceptable if they are repeats of previously passed courses, or if they are taken at the same level or a lower level in a subject area than previously passed courses in the same subject area. This includes courses with significant overlap in content. Do not take ANSC 3080 before BIOC 2580! If you are selecting alternative Humanities and Social Sciences courses to meet the DVM admissions requirements, please ensure that you are showing a progression in your work. For example, if you take a 2000 level Geography course in your fourth semester, do not take a 1000 level Geography in your fifth semester). This progression rule is applicable to all courses, so watch your plan if you move courses around.
EQN*2500 Equine Field Course must be taken in a semester with 3.00 credits. This course does not count towards the minimum 2.50 credits because some work is done over the summer.
AGR 1350 must be taken before AGR 2350 (otherwise it will void the semester you take AGR 1350 in due to prerequisites).
If you have additional questions about DVM admission requirements, please connect with Admission Services (admdvm@uoguelph.ca).
For students in the 2022-2023 Schedule of Studies:
Semester 1:
BIOL*1050 (0.50 Biological Sciences)
BIOL*1090 (0.50 Biological Sciences)
ECON*1050 (0.50 Social Sciences)
If you do not have 4U Chemistry, contact your program counsellor (you must take CHEM 1060 before CHEM 1040 if you do not have 4U Chemistry)
Semester 2:
ACCT*1220 (0.50 Social Science)
ANSC*2210 (0.50 Humanities)
EQN*2040 (0.50 Biology)
CHEM*1040 should be taken this semester as a lead up to BIOC*2580
It is recommended that one of your restricted electives or electives be a Humanities or Social Science for DVM if you do not want to use ECON or ACCT courses.
Semester 3:
ACCT*2230 (0.50 Social Science)
It is recommended that you move ENVS*2060 to semester 7 so you can take CHEM*1050 as it is the prerequisite for BIOC*2580 (CHEM*1050 is a restricted elective)
Semester 4:
EQN*2050 (0.50 Biology)
It is recommended that one of your restricted electives be BIOC*2580 (0.50 Biochemistry; prerequisite for MCB*2050)
It is recommended that the other restricted elective be MBG*2040 (0.50 Genetics; prerequisite for MCB*2050)
Semester 5:
ANSC*3080 (0.50 Biological Sciences)
EQN*3250 (0.50 Biological Sciences)
STAT*2060 (0.50 Statistics)
For your elective, it is recommended you take MCB*2050 (0.50 Cell Biology)
For students in the 2020-2021 Schedule of Studies to the 2021-2022 Schedule of Studies:
Note: The rule for Fall 2025 entry is that all prerequisites must be presented from acceptable, full-time (2.50 credit) semesters. Courses listed as prerequisites below are acceptable content only and must be completed in acceptable, full-time semesters in order to be presented on a future DVM application. For Fall 2026 entry, the rules have changed and prerequisite courses can be taken in any semester. Full time semesters are 2.00 credits.
Semester 1:
BIOL*1050 (0.50 Biological Sciences)
BIOL*1090 (0.50 Biological Sciences)
ECON*1050 (0.50 Social Sciences)
If you don’t have 4U Chemistry, contact your program counsellor
Semester 2:
ACCT*1220 (0.50 Social Science)
ANSC*1210 (1.00 Humanities)
EQN*2040 (0.50 Biology)
CHEM*1040 should be taken this semester (instead of CHEM*1100) as a lead up to BIOC*2580
Semester 3:
ACCT*2230 (0.50 Social Science)
It is recommended that you move ENVS*2060 to semester 7 so you can take CHEM*1050 as it’s the prerequisite for BIOC*2580 (CHEM*1050 is a restricted elective)
Semester 4:
EQN*2050 (0.50 Biology)
It is recommended that one of your restricted electives be BIOC*2580 (0.50 Biochemistry; prerequisite for MCB*2050)
It is recommended that the other restricted elective be MBG*2040 (0.50 Genetics; prerequisite for MCB*2050)
Semester 5:
ANSC*3080 (0.50 Biological Sciences)
STAT*2060 (0.50 Statistics)
For your elective, it is recommended you take MCB*2050 (0.50 Cell Biology)