2019-2020 B.Sc.(Agr.)

Please Read Carefully!

Once a Schedule of Studies is published, the University does not go back and “fix it” when courses are deleted or changed. To help you keep track of what you need to graduate, changes to your Schedule of Studies are listed below. Some students find it useful to review these changes while viewing their My Progress on the Student Planning system through WebAdvisor. This way you can mark off what you have completed and what you still need to complete. Please note that substitutions won’t always show up on My Progress. If you find errors on My Progress, or if you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your Program Counsellor.

Changes are listed for each major:

Changes for Animal Science:

EDRD 2020 was last offered Fall 2022.

EDRD 3050 was last offered Fall 2022.

FARE 4360 will not be offered Winter 2024; it may be deleted permanently. 

ANSC 4560 will move to a Winter offering starting Winter 2025 (not offered Fall 2024). 

ANSC 3180 will move to a Fall offering starting Fall 2024 (not offered Winter 2025). 

Starting Winter 2023 there will be two Animal Production courses. AGR 2350 will be taught in its current version for Fall 2022, but starting Winter 2023, AGR 1350 will be offered. AGR 1350 will focus on dairy, poultry and eggs and can’t be taken if you have AGR 2350 completed. Starting Fall 2023, AGR 2350 will focus on Beef, Swine and alternative animals (e.g. minks). You only need to complete AGR 2350 for your degree requirements.

ANSC 1210 will last be offered Winter 2022. It will be replaced by ANSC 2210, worth 0.50 credits (first offered Winter 2023). If you still need ANSC 1210, you can take ANSC 2210, but you need to take an additional elective since ANSC 1210 was worth 1.00. 

ANSC 4040 is a new Fall course called Digital Technologies for Animal Production Systems. It requires ANSC 3120 and STAT 2040 as prerequisites. It can be used as a restricted elective in the third list (not as a nutrition or genetics course). If you would like it used as a restricted elective, let Melinda know once you have added it to your schedule and she can get it put on your My Progress. 

ANSC 3090 is now called "Principles of Animal Behaviour".

AGR 3500 is now IAEF 3500 (for Interdisciplinary Agriculture, Environment and Food).  

EQN 3050 gained a lab component and is now called EQN 3250: Equine Exercise Physiology. EQN 3250 will be offered starting Fall 2020.

EDRD 2020 has been cancelled for Fall 2020.

Changes for Crop, Horticulture and Turfgrass Sciences:

EDRD 2020 was last offered Fall 2022.

EDRD 3050 was last offered Fall 2022.

FARE 4360 will not be offered Winter 2024; it may be deleted permanently. 

OAGR 4050 will not be offered Fall 2023; it may be deleted permanently. 

HORT 3310 will not be offered Winter 2023. It should be offered Winter 2024.

HORT 4200 will not be offered Winter 2023. It should be offered Winter 2024.

PBIO 4070 will not be offered Winter 2023. It should be offered Winter 2024.

AGR 4450 will be worth 0.50 credits starting Summer 2022. 

Starting Winter 2023 there will be two Animal Production courses. AGR 2350 will be taught in its current version for Fall 2022, but starting Winter 2023, AGR 1350 will be offered. AGR 1350 will focus on dairy, poultry and eggs and can’t be taken if you have AGR 2350 completed. Starting Fall 2023, AGR 2350 will focus on Beef, Swine and alternative animals (e.g. minks). You only need to complete AGR 2350 for your degree requirements.

AGR 3500 is now IAEF 3500 (for Interdisciplinary Agriculture, Environment and Food).  

HORT 3050 will not be offered Fall 2022. It should be offered Fall 2023.

ENVS 3300 can be used as a restricted elective. 

Changes for Honours Agriculture:

EDRD 2020 was last offered Fall 2022.

EDRD 3050 was last offered Fall 2022.

FARE 4360 will not be offered Winter 2024; it may be deleted permanently. 

OAGR 4050 will not be offered Fall 2023; it may be deleted permanently. 

HORT 3310 will not be offered Winter 2023. It should be offered Winter 2024.

HORT 4200 will not be offered Winter 2023. It should be offered Winter 2024.

PBIO 4070 will not be offered Winter 2023. It should be offered Winter 2024.

AGR 4450 will be worth 0.50 credits starting Summer 2022. 

Starting Winter 2023 there will be two Animal Production courses. AGR 2350 will be taught in its current version for Fall 2022, but starting Winter 2023, AGR 1350 will be offered. AGR 1350 will focus on dairy, poultry and eggs and can’t be taken if you have AGR 2350 completed. Starting Fall 2023, AGR 2350 will focus on Beef, Swine and alternative animals (e.g. minks). You only need to complete AGR 2350 for your degree requirements.

HORT 3050 will not be offered Fall 2022. It should be offered Fall 2023.

AGR 3500 is now IAEF 3500 (for Interdisciplinary Agriculture, Environment and Food).