B.Sc.(Env.) Co-op
Click on the button that corresponds with when you started in the program for information on Co-op Credits:
2021-2022 and earlier2022-2023 and later
The B.Sc. (Env.) Co-op Experience
In Semester 2 (Winter semester of your first year in the B.Sc.(Env.) program), you are required to take COOP*1100. This is a pass/fail credit course that Co-op students must complete before they begin their first Co-op Work Term. This course is designed to prepare you for success in all aspects of the Co-op program including your job search skills, work performance and networking abilities.
In order to participate beyond first year in the Co-op program, you must meet the criteria for advancement as outlined in the Co-op Program Policy Agreement. Specifically, you must be enrolled full-time, pass COOP*1100, and complete at least one work term in winter, summer and fall.
For each Co-op Work Term in your schedule of studies you need to receive a passing Work Performance Evaluation and a grade of satisfactory or higher on your co-op work report. Only with all requirements successfully completed will your transcript reflect completion of the Co-op Program.
Information about policies, fees and work term requirements can be found on the Co-op Governance website.
Co-op Office Expectations
In the semester prior to a scheduled Work Term, you will be in a “Job Search” semester. You are required to engage in an active job search process. Details of which are outlined on the Experience Guelph website. You will work closely with your Co-op Coordinator during this process.
During your Work Term, your focus is on your work responsibilities. If you have questions about your work experience or situation, contact your Co-op Coordinator as soon as possible. In addition to your work place responsibilities, you have a number of other tasks to complete during your Co-op Work Semester. Please note, the Work Performance Evaluation tied to your Experience Guelph Account will be emailed to your supervisor the last month of your term. If your supervisor requests a soft copy or is unable to open the link below - please contact your Co-op Coordinator for assistance.
The following links provide details about components that must be submitted to the co-op office/co-op coordinators for each co-op work term:
- Learning Goals (Submit to Co-op Office)
- Co-op Work Performance Evaluation (Co-op office will email this link to your Employer to submit to Co-op Office) - PDF
Requesting Re-admission Into Co-op
If you have been required to withdraw from the Co-op program and you have medical, psychological or compassionate grounds to submit a request for re-admission into the Co-operative Education program, please see the Co-operative and Career Services website for information on deadlines and process.
Co-op Work Report Expectations
The following links provide detailed requirements for your 4-month Work Term Proposal and Final Report:
- 4 month Co-op Proposal and Final Work Report Guidelines (Submit on Courselink) - PDF
- 4 month Co-op Evaluation Forms (FYI - Specific Grading Criteria) - PDF
- COOP4000 Cover Letter Note and Evaluation Form - PDF
- Co-op Work Report Employer Comments Form (Completed by Employer - Submit with Final Work Report) - PDF
NOTE: B.Sc.(Env.) students completing COOP*4000 can choose to submit a letter of submittal and a professional cover letter in lieu of a formal report. Both the proposal and the Employer Comment Form will not be necessary if you choose this option for your 4th work term.
Remember you will still need a minimum of 20.0 academic credits in order to be eligible to graduate!
If you are completing an 8-month Work Term, please contact your Co-op Advisor for specific due dates. You will have the option of completing two 4-month Work Reports, or one 8-month Work Report.
The following links provide detailed requirements if you are on an 8-month Work Term and are choosing to submit an 8-month Work Report:
- 8 month Co-op Proposal, Interim-Report and Final Report Guidelines (Submit on Courselink) - PDF
- 8 month Co-op Evaluation Forms (FYI - Specific Grading Criteria) - PDF
- Co-op Work Report Employer Comments Form (Completed by Employer - Submit with Final Work Report) - PDF
For More Information
Please contact your Co-op Coordinator or Co-op Advisor (information below) or refer to the Co-operative and Career Services website.
B.Sc.(Env.) Co-op Coordinators
Andrew J. Kramer
Co-op Co-ordinator, Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences
519-824-4120 x52515 | (mobile) 519-212-0517
Co-operative Education & Career Services
Lindsay Peddle
Co-op Coordinator, Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences
519-824-4120 x54277 | (mobile) 226-218-2821
Co-operative Education & Career Services
Khadijah Peters
Co-op Coordinator, Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences
Co-operative Education & Career Services
B.Sc.(Env.) Co-op Advisor (submissions, requests for extensions and general questions)
Carie Devitt
Johnston Hall, Room 133A
519-824-4120 x 58475
Questions about your co-op topic, proposal or report should be directed to your major's Faculty Advisor. Click here for the list of current Faculty Advisors.
Check out this pdf for examples of past co-op jobs by B.Sc.(Env.) major. These are examples only and not guaranteed to be jobs posted when you apply.