Changes to Meeting with Program Counsellor

Posted on Tuesday, March 24th, 2020

Please be advised of the following changes to meeting with Program Counsellors:

We will continue to respond to email but have also worked on a way for you to book an audio or video appointment for those who prefer a meeting. As students, you have access to Microsoft Teams through your Gryph Mail by clicking on the icon beside Outlook in the top left of your mailbox. The icon is a square made up of nine dots. We will use this platform to meet.   

Students interested in making an appointment on Teams please e-mail Ellen at from your e-mail account to find a time that will work for you in the schedule.   

In your e-mail to Ellen please include the following information:  

  • First and Last name  
  • Student ID  
  • Current Program  
  • 2-3 windows of time you are available for an appointment within the hours of 10am-3pm Monday to Thursday and 10am-12pm Friday (please keep in mind we will not be booking same day appointments).  
  • A brief explanation regarding your reason for seeking an appointment (this gives us an idea of how we can best prepare for our meeting with you!)  
  • Preference for meeting: audio only or audio with two-way video.   

Once your appointment is booked, Ellen will give you more information about accepting a call in Teams.  

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