F22 Course Offerings available on WebAdvisor
Students, you have many interesting courses to choose from!
You can find the complete list of the courses offered in Fall 2022 on WebAdvisor starting June 6th.
To view Fall 2022 courses, select "Students" from the Main Menu, and then select "Search the Course Catalogue." A login is not required.
With the Subject Search, you can select a subject and then use the filters on the left side to narrow down your search, including by term. Alternatively, you can use the Advanced Search to specify the term in advance and to search for specific courses. For additional help with searching for courses and registering on WebAdvisor, watch the Student Planning video tutorials and read the FAQs.
Distance Education Courses: On WebAdvisor, courses with "DE" in the course code (e.g., ACCT*2230*DE01) are Distance Education courses.
For more information on the courses listed in WebAdvisor, please see the appropriate Academic Calendar or the offering department. Need help? Email es@uoguelph.ca.