1st Year Students - F22 Welcome + Course Selection Period
New students, welcome to the University of Guelph!
You can begin enrolling in courses on Tuesday, June 28 (starting at 8:00 am). Students entering with transfer credits may be able to enroll earlier depending on the number of credits granted. Visit the Registrarial Services Webpage for more information about course selection windows.
For help selecting courses for your first semester, visit the Registration Guide for New Students.
If the required course you want to register for is full, please continue to monitor WebAdvisor as spots may continue to open up once a section is full. Most 1000-level courses will be restricted to first-year students until NOON on July 11. A detailed list of these temporary course restrictions will be published prior to the start of course selection and posted on the Registrarial Services Webpage.
Students will be unable to enroll in courses on WebAdvisor on the following dates and times due to scheduled maintenance:
- 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Monday, July 11, 2022
- 8 a.m. on Monday, August 15 through to 8 a.m. on Tuesday, August 16, 2022
For help with Student Planning (the course selection and degree/diploma planning tool on WebAdvisor), click the question mark at the top right of the screen in Student Planning for answers to common questions, or visit the Student Planning website for video tutorials, FAQs and support information. We recommend using the Catalog search tool in the Advanced Search section of the Student Planning System to search for your courses, this will show you which sections are available and how many seats are left. Additionally, the Section search tool will allow you to see the seat capacity in the course (this is updated every 24 hours).
Please review the Frequently Asked Questions for more information about course selection. If you have any questions about your program and/or the courses you should be taking, please refer to Chapter VII, Academic Advising, in the Undergraduate Calendar or the Associate Diploma Calendar for additional information.