
Last Day to Add F23 Courses

Please be reminded that this Friday, September 15th, is the last day to add courses or make changes to your schedule for Fall 2023.

O-Week Presentations

Below are the files from the O-Week presentations given this week by Carie and Melinda. 

S23 Information for Deferring Final Coursework (Exams or Final Assignment)

If you are unable to complete a final exam or any final assignment for S23 semester due to medical, psychological or compassionate circumstances, you must submit a request for deferred assessment via email to your program counsellor from your email address. Your request must contain:

Undergraduate Registration Deposit Reminder

Please note the $200 Undergraduate Registration Deposit is due August 11, 2023.

This is important because if payment is not received in time, deregistration (the removal of all course sections from a student's course schedule) will occur. Once deregistration has occurred, there is no guarantee you will be able to get back into your selected courses once the deposit is paid.

BIOL*1090 and BIOL*1070 - Updates

July 26th Update: The department is opening a few more spots in BIOL*1070 (today). 

July 19th Update: A few spots now open in BIOL*1090 as well.

July 18th Update: There are a few spots open in BIOL*1070.

July 17th: More spots will likely be opening in both BIOL*1090 and BIOL*1070. Please continue to monitor WebAdvisor.

BLA First Years - Electives

Some restrictions on first year courses have been removed. You can monitor restrictions here: Note some extra links at the bottom of the page with additional information. 

UPDATE July 13th: ANTH 1150 and SOC 1100 will lift restrictions on July 14th. 

ENVS*1100 (Introduction to Environmental Sciences) is about to open a few more spots. 

ANTH*1150 is still restricted, but will likely open early next week. 

MGMT*2150 - First year BBRM EM students

First year Environmental Management students - if you still need MGMT*2150, please note that no more spots will be posted on WebAdvisor. This allows us to save spots for you. Please email Melinda ( if you still need this course. Alternatively, you can select HROB*2090 if you do not want an online only course in first semester. 

BIOL*1050 and AGR*1110 - Updates

July 13th: Good news! A new lab section in BIOL 1050 will be opened (Monday night lab). Please select this section if you still require BIOL 1050. UPDATE: This section is now open - you can register for it on WebAdvisor. 

July 12th: There will be no more spots released in BIOL 1050. This will allow us to make sure those who need the final spots, get them, so please email Melinda ( if you still need to add BIOL 1050 for either B.Sc.(Agr.) or Equine Management. 

July 10th: More spaces are being opened in both AGR*1110 and BIOL*1050 today! 

MATH*1080 - Updates

July 11th Update: More spots in the sections starting with 03 opened up today. 

July 10th Update: More spots in the DE section have opened up. 

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