
F23 Information for Deferring Final Coursework (Exams or Final Assignment)

If you are unable to complete a final exam or any final assignment for F23 semester due to medical, psychological or compassionate circumstances, you must submit a request for deferred assessment via email to your program counsellor from your email address. Your request must contain:

Last Day to Drop F23

This is a reminder that the last day to drop Fall 2023 courses is Friday, December 1st.

First Years - more spots coming!

Many courses did not release all spots knowing first years select last. They will look to release those spots today (throughout the day), so keep watching WebAdvisor and connect next week if you are not in all of your courses. 

BBRM Restricted Courses - UPDATED

UPDATE: the restriction will be lifted for BBRM later today! You can add any section of ACCT 1220 and HROB 2090. (old post): For first year BBRM.EM, there is a restriction on ACCT 1220 and HROB 2090 preventing you from selecting the in-class sections. It should lift after November 20th and you can currently add the Distance Education sections. 

Course Restrictions

Some 1000-level courses will be temporarily restricted to first-year students for a period of time. Please see the Office of Registrarial Services' website for a detailed list of Temporary First-Year Restrictions and other Priority Access Restrictions.

For additional information on restrictions, please check the website of the department offering the course.

W24 Cancelled Courses

We are aware of the following courses that will not be offered in Winter 2024:

(Please note: This is not a complete list of cancelled courses. There may be other colleges that have cancelled courses as well, and it would be best to check with each college).

ENVS*2230 Communication in Environmental Science

ENVS*4030 Ecohydrology

ENVS*4050 Predicting Impacts of Environmental Change

ENVS*4070 Pollinator Conservation

ENVS*4180 Insecticide Biological Activity and Resistance

Winter 2024 Course Selection

Course selection for Winter 2024 will begin on November 6, 2023 and will open in windows based on certain criteria. Course Selection Windows are posted on the Office of Registrarial Services' webpage. 

Once your window opens, you will be able to add courses until January 12, 2024. However, we encourage you to add when your window opens as some courses fill up quickly.   

Holiday and Fall Study Break Day

As a reminder, Monday, October 9th is a Holiday and Tuesday, October 10th is the Fall Study Break Day. There are no classes scheduled for these two days.

The OAC Program Counselling office will be closed on Monday, October 9th. Our doors will re-open on Tuesday, October 10th.

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