
Undergraduate/DTM W22 Deferred Privilege

If you are unable to complete a final exam or any final assignment for W22 semester due to medical, psychological or compassionate circumstances, you must submit a request for deferred privileges via email to your program counsellor from your email address. Your request must contain:

Last Day to Drop W22

This is a reminder that the last day to drop Winter 2022 courses is Friday, April 8th.

Grad Checks + Graduation Application for Summer 2022

At this point in time, if you have applied to graduate and have not received an email about your application from your Program Counsellor, your application has been tentatively approved (meaning you are enrolled in the correct final credits; another check to confirm successful completion of your Winter courses and a cumulative average of at least 60% will be done in May).

The last day applications will be accepted to graduate at the June 2022 convocation is FRIDAY, MAY 6, 2022 AT 4 PM (late application fee in effect).

Office Doors Closed March 15 to 18

Due to reduced staffing and an abundance of caution over possible exposure to COVID, the OAC Program Counselling office doors will be closed March 15th to March 18th. We will re-open March 21st. Our apologies for the inconvenience. 

Program Counselling Office Changes

Please welcome our new office assistant, Robyn!

Starting March 1st our office will be open full time. Our office is located in Johnston Hall Room 133A (the main foyer).

You will have the option of pre-booked in-person appointment times as well as virtual appointments.

Robyn is available for quick questions and to book appointments via email at, and she will be available at our front desk in Johnston Hall Room 133A during Open Door Hours on Mondays through Thursdays 10am to 3pm and Fridays 10am to 12pm (noon) starting March 1st.

Undergraduate F21 Deferred Privilege

If you are unable to complete a final exam or any final assignment for F21 semester due to medical, psychological or compassionate circumstances, you must submit a request for deferred privileges via email to your program counsellor (within 5 working days from the missed exam or assignment) from your email address. Your request must contain:

DTM F21 Deferred Privilege

If you are unable to complete a final exam or any final assignment for F21 semester due to medical, psychological or compassionate circumstances, you must submit a request for deferred privileges (within 5 working days from the missed exam or assignment) via email to your program counsellor, Carie Devitt ( from your email address. Your request must contain:

End of Semester FAQs

Please see below for frequently asked questions at this time of year: 

What do I do if my final grades are not all posted yet? 

Some grades will be uploaded beginning December 20th. Grades will not be updated during the University holiday shutdown from December 24th until January 3rd. If all of your final grades are not posted by the end of the day, January 7th, 2022, please contact our office.  If you are on financial sanction you will not be able to view your grades until you have cleared the sanction. 

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