
ACCT 1220

For B.B.R.M. Environmental Management, and B.I.E.S.P. students who require ACCT 1220, please note that only virtual sections are currently available. As of tomorrow, Friday December 3rd, restrictions on this course will be lifted and you will be able to register for in person sections.

F21 Last Day to Drop

The last day to drop courses for the Fall 2021 semester is the last day of class, Friday, December 3rd. 

W22 Course Selection

Course selection for Winter 2022 will begin on November 23rd and will open in windows based on certain criteria. Windows are posted here.

Once your window opens, you will be able to add and drop courses until January 14th, 2022. We encourage you to add when your window opens as some courses fill up quickly.  

BLA LARC*4620 Internship

Those interested in watching the LARC*4620 Internship presentation from October 7th can view the Zoom recording here. The registration form for LARC*4620 and further information can be found on the SEDRD website here.

Holiday and Fall Study Break Day

As  a reminder, Monday October 11th is a Holiday and Tuesday October 12th is the Fall Study Break Day. There are no classes scheduled for these two days. 

2021 Orientation Presentations

Welcome New Students! Attached to this news item you will find an Orientation presentation for your degree program, which is filled with lots of helpful information. Enjoy!

Fall 2021 First Day of Class and Last Day to Add

Welcome back everyone! This is a remider that classes begin tomorrow, Thursday September 9th.

You have until Friday, September 17th to add and make changes to your schedule for Fall. 

Fall 2021 Program Counselling Operations

Our office will continue to work remotely into the Fall 2021 semester. Our office doors will remain locked but Program Counsellors are still available to answer inquiries via email and by appointment.

For email inquiries:

B.B.R.M., B.L.A. & B.Sc.(Agr.) students, contact Melinda at

B.Sc.(Env.) ENVS/ENVS:C course conflict for F21

UPDATE as of September 1, 2021: The SES department has now changed the lab time for ENVS*2240*0103 to an evening lab to avoid the scheduling conflict.


This message is for second year B.Sc.(Env.) ENVS or ENVS:C students experiencing a scheduling conflict between ENVS 2240*0103 and ENVS 2030 in F21 semester.

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