
All Students - Full Courses

Many courses will have what is called rolling enrollment (smaller enrollment caps). This means not all spots will be released on WebAdvisor and enrollment caps will slowly be increased throughout the enrollment windows. If a course has a suspiciously low enrollment cap, keep checking back on WebAdvisor for more spots to be released.

1st Year Students - Course Time Changes

Due to an increase in enrollment numbers, the University of Guelph's scheduling team has changed the locations and times BIOL 1050 and CHEM 1040 will be offered at. 

  • Biol 1050 moved to Mo We Fr 11:30
  • Chem 1040 C03 moved to Mo We Fr 12:30 (was 11:30)

We encourage you to check WebAdvisor for updated course times and locations. 

1st Year Equine Management & BSc (Agr.) students - BIOL*1050

Please note that the University's scheduling team is currently looking for a larger lecture hall to accommodate the large number of students expected to register for BIOL*1050.
Keep checking WebAdvisor for updates. The present time that BIOL*1050 is being offered at could change. 

1st Year BBRM Environmental Management - MGMT 2150

For 1st-Year B.B.R.M. Environmental Management students who would prefer to take all in-person classes this Fall (2022), please note that HROB 2090 can be swapped with MGMT 2150 (fall and winter). They are both required courses for this major.

Please note that MGMT 2150 may be offered online as well in Winter 2023. 

Last Day to Drop S22

The last day to drop courses for the Summer 2022 semester is the last day of class: 

  • Thursday, June 23 (6-week format courses) 

  • Monday, August 8 (12-week format courses) 

F22 Course Selection Period Begins

Course selection for Fall 2022 will begin on June 16 and will open in windows based on certain criteria. Windows are posted on the Office of Registrarial Services' webpage. Once your window opens, you will be able to add and drop courses until September 16, 2022. We encourage you to add when your window opens as some courses fill up quickly.   

F22 Course Offerings available on WebAdvisor

Students, you have many interesting courses to choose from! 

You can find the complete list of the courses offered in Fall 2022 on WebAdvisor starting June 6th

To view Fall 2022 courses, select "Students" from the Main Menu, and then select "Search the Course Catalogue." A login is not required. 

Undergraduate/DTM W22 Deferred Privilege

If you are unable to complete a final exam or any final assignment for W22 semester due to medical, psychological or compassionate circumstances, you must submit a request for deferred privileges via email to your program counsellor from your email address. Your request must contain:

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