
Change to Office Hours Starting May 6th

Starting Monday, May 6th, our office doors will be open Tuesday to Thursday from 10am until 3pm.

Doors will be closed on Mondays and Fridays. However, virtual appointments may be available from 10am to 3pm on Mondays, and from 10am to 12pm on Fridays.

Questions and appointment booking requests may be sent to

Last Day to Drop W24

This is a reminder that the last day to drop Winter 2024 courses is Monday, April 8th.

W24 Information for Deferring Final Coursework (Exams or Final Assignment)

If you are unable to complete a final exam or any final assignment for W24 semester due to medical, psychological or compassionate circumstances, you must submit a request for deferred assessment via email to your program counsellor from your email address. Your request must contain:

Graduation Application for Summer 2024 Convocation

At this point in time, if you have applied to graduate and have not received an email about your application from your Program Counsellor, your application has been tentatively approved (meaning you are enrolled in the correct final credits; another check to confirm successful completion of your Winter courses and a cumulative average of at least 60% will be done in May).

Summer 2024 Course Selection

Course selection for Summer 2024 begins on Tuesday, March 5, 2024 and will open in windows based on certain criteria. Course Selection Windows are posted on the Office of Registrarial Services' webpage. 

Once your window opens, you will be able to add courses until May 13, 2024 for 6-week courses, or May 17, 2024 for 12-week coursesHowever, we encourage you to add when your window opens as some courses fill up quickly.

Office Doors Closed for Reading Week

The OAC Program Counselling office doors will be closed during Reading Week (February 19th to 23rd, inclusive). Please note that Monday, February 19th is a holiday.

The inbox will still be monitored Tuesday to Friday during our regular hours while the office doors are closed.

Our office doors will reopen on Monday, February 26th at 10:00am.

Have a good break!

Week of January 8-12 Drop-in Hours

Looking to meet with your program counsellor during the first week of Winter classes?

Please note drop-in hours will run the week of January 8th.

During the times listed below, students will be seen on a first come, first seen basis in the front office space.

Please report to the front desk to sign up when you arrive at Johnston Hall, room 133A. 

University and Office Closure

Please note the University will be closed from December 25th to January 2nd (inclusive). 

The inbox will be monitored until noon on Friday, December 22nd, after which it will NOT be checked again until 10am on Wednesday, January 3rd. Any emails received after noon on December 22nd will be responded to after 10am on Wednesday, January 3rd. Please note there may be a slight delay depending on email volume.

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