
F22 First Day of Classes and Booking Appointments

This is a reminder that Fall 2022 classes begin this Thursday (September 8th)!

Students interested in making an appointment with their Program Counsellor please e-mail Robyn at from your email account to find a time that will work for you in our schedule.

In your e-mail please include the following information:

Undergraduate/DTM S22 Deferred Privilege

If you are unable to complete a final exam or any final assignment for S22 semester due to medical, psychological or compassionate circumstances, you must submit a request for deferred privileges via email to your program counsellor from your email address. Your requests are due within 5 working days of the missed exam, and must contain:

BIOL 2060 - Changes

Students previously registered in an in-class section of BIOL 2060 for fall 2022 should be aware that the department has changed the course delivery format to distance education. The course section you were registered in may now appear as not registered. If so, check that you have been added to a DE section. Do not drop the course unless you plan to not take it in fall semester.

No more new seats for certain courses

At this point in the registration/enrollment period, there may be no more new seats added to courses. 
Please contact your Program Counsellor if you are having trouble registering/enrolling in a core required course

1st Year BLA : Restricted Courses

UPDATE (July 6th, 2022): SOC 1100 & ANTH 1150 will open for BLA students on Monday, July 11th. PHIL 1010 is presently FULL. Keep monitoring this course as some students may drop it, creating limited space. 

UPDATE (June 29th, 2022): PSYC 1000 is now open!

MATH*1080 Offering Types

There are three types of section offerings for MATH*1080 for fall 2022 semester:

1st Year Students - More Seats Coming in Full Courses!

First year students, if a required course you want to register for is FULL, please continue to monitor WebAdvisor as spots may continue to open up once a section is full. Many courses have what is called rolling enrollment (smaller enrollment caps). This means that not all spots in a course will be released all-at-once on WebAdvisor. Enrollment caps will, instead, slowly be increased throughout the enrollment windows. These increases are done manually, therefore, they may not occur at 8:00am every morning.

BBRM.EM Students - GEOG 2420, GEOG 2460 and GEOG 2480

GEOG*2420 is restricted to GEOG majors and minors or BSES students for now. Restrictions on GEOG*2420 may be lifted as early as tonight (June 23rd), opening this course to non GEOG and BSES students.

GEOG*2460 requires a 1000 level GEOG course. Even without a first year GEOG, you may still make a request to take this course.

BIOL 1050 - Spots Coming!

BIOL 1050 appears full at this time, but this is not the case. Spots in this course will become available soon. Keep checking WebAdvisor for updates. 

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